Monday, April 9, 2012

dear 10 year-old me

As a follow up to my post here, my first "Dear Me" post!

Dear 10 year-old me,
I know you are terrified of moving to Indianapolis and having to make new friends, but you will find some great ones that will be by your side for a very long time. Also, being closer to your grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins will be something you will cherish forever. 

You will get your first (and last) "D" and it will be frightening, but let it be a lesson to you that you have to work hard for the things you want. 

Stop worrying about the kids calling you "spaz-anna". It hurts now, but some day you will wonder how in the world 10 year-olds could be so observant. Unfortunately, it won't be the worst thing you are called either.

A boy will "ask you out" for the first time. You will say no, because you don't know what in the world "going out" means. Good job! You will have plenty of years in the future to think about boys. 

Stop teasing and fighting with your younger brother! Love him and support him. I know you won't believe this, but someday you will actually like hanging out with him. 

Also, get excited. The next few years are about to get interesting... (hint hint)

 your much older and wiser version of yourself


  1. Savanna,you don't have to apologize (or keep apologizing for anything). Your life and the woman you've become speak for themselves and give you the license to say whatever is on your mind. Your idea of creating a blog to give your sisters is genius and a tool I hope they'll use frequently. The next few years are the important ones and I'll gladly take all of the help I can in making sure they get through them as unscathed as possible. I say use every tool, resource, scare tactic and loving embrace in your arsenal to help them navigate these stormy times. Everyone thinks they got through their hard times by themselves, but after reflection realize that those who love them were there to support them as best they could. I've always maintained that your sisters were just a warm up act for when you have your own children. You are doing and will do fine. (NOTE; Next time your looking for a "girlie movie" to take you away, see if you can find a movie from the early 70's called something like "Sunshine" or "Sunshine on my shoulders", I don't want to ruin it but it's about a Mom who is concerned about passing on life lessons to her kids. Buy Kleenex. Another way to search for it would be to look up John Denver's song "Sunshine on my Shoulders", it was the theme song for the movie. I Love you more than anything Little Miss Magic.
